15 October 2022 – This Week on the Farm

Greetings to you all  from the farm,
This week in the web shop we have our first avocados and  lots of eggs. We still have beef (although less range than normal).

We have 60 Avos to sell, so that would be 12 @ 5 in a bag for $10.

These early spray free avocados are from a seed tree.  It has a smooth skin with rich dark purple brown colour.  They taste good, and have a slightly lighter creamy flesh. 


We have sold out of half lamb packs, they will be ready in a couple of weeks. If you missed out this time but are keen,let us know, we hope to have more before Christmas.

Behind our limestone reef is a hidden jungle of remnant lowland forest containing a wide range of native species.  

While clearing our walking track last week, Jonathan spotted this vigorous growing climber shooting up the trunk of a youngish Miro tree. 

With a few more signs to stop you getting lost, this track will be available to explore for the first time for those staying at our Glen Rannoch Camp. 

We were saddened last week  with the loss of one of our older milking cows. She was the last of Mum’s high producing small fresian herd used to raise bobby calves on. She had just calved, was producing so much milk and unfortunately went down with milk fever. The vets did all they could but she didn’t make it. Times like that are hard on the farm, you question what you could have done differently, sometimes we get it wrong, sometimes there was nothing you could have changed.

Mum and Briget have two black babies to look after now…

All the best from us at Ellis Creek Farm!

(This is Rain, a very willing helper on the farm, always up for a cuddle.)
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