Leentje’s Bone Broth

For years we have eaten bone soup every day-now in our 80s we still enjoy a healthy active life without the use of any medications or hospital interventions etc. Its only now that dieticians have scientific proof of all the health benefits of bone broth-and advise bone soup for the cure of many common ailments – But for truly healthy bone soup you need bones from healthy, young grass fed stock.

Leentje’s Bone Broth

For years we have eaten bone soup every day –  now in our 80s we still enjoy a healthy active life without the use of any medications or hospital interventions etc.
Its only now that dieticians have scientific proof of all the health benefits of bone broth- and advise bone soup for the cure of many common ailments –  But for truly healthy bone soup you need bones from healthy and young grass fed stock. Younger bones have more collagen.
5 from 1 vote


  • Beef or Lamb Bones - Marrow bones are best
  • 1 Tbsp Cider vinegar - or Wine vinegar
  • Salt and Peppercorns - to taste
  • 1 Onion
  • Celery or other vegetables - whatever is available


  • Place enough bones in large pot so you can easily cover them with water.
  • Add Table spoon of cider or wine vinegar and some peppercorns and salt to taste.
  • Heat slowly on low heat – leave several hours on low heat just simmering or even below boiling point – good on the back of the wood stove!
  • Remove from heat and leave overnight to cool
  • Leave layer of fat undisturbed,until you want to reheat the broth . Skim off most of the fat, but leave some for flavour as this bone fat also contains special healing properties especially for healing leaky gut and soothing damaged intestines
  • Heat, adding chopped onion, celery and any other spare veges on hand –  even left overs from the day before will enrich your soup
  • The bones and any leftover broth can be kept for the next day. Add more vegetables and a little water if required for another delicious soup!


Some health benefits of bone soup:
  1. Soothes lining of digestive tract like in Crohn disease, healing to leaky gut syndrome.
  2. Promotes healthy probiotic balance.
  3. Contains healing collagen, glutamines etc for joint health
  4. Boosts the immune system,
  5. maintains healthy pliable skin.
  6. contains easily digestible substances to aid sleep and memory
  7. boosts detoxification
  8. provides all the bone and muscle building minerals in digestable form.
Bone soup extracts easy absorbable amino acids and minerals in a delicious meal for the health of our hungry body.
What more could you want?

1 thought on “Leentje’s Bone Broth

  1. 5 stars
    and sustainable.

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